Thursday, May 6, 2010

Saving Money on Meds

Yesterday I received the best possible kind of mail - a card certifying my enrollment in a program that will save me up to $200 off the cost of my immunosuppressant. When you consider that my copayment for this med just increased from $360 to $600 per year, the card is like manna from heaven.

My sincere thanks to the pharmacy service rep who mentioned the Prograf Value Card program and enrolled me in it. I'm grateful for any savings we can gain, given that this is but one of the medications I take daily. I'm not familiar with the eligibility requirements for the program but found the online website to enroll.

Post-transplant medication costs are significant. We have good medical insurance but our out-of-pocket copayments exceed $1,700 per year. That doesn't include my cost for the pegylated interferon and Ribasphere I currently take, which an additional $500 per year (a drop in the bucket compared to the many thousands of dollars these meds cost at "retail").

If you take Prograf and could use assistance paying for it, perhaps this can help you. Good luck!

Photo by Will Thomas

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